

  • Hi everyone, I hear good things and bad things about the surgery, but if you don't try, you will never know how good this can get. I am in the process of my gastric sleeve, hoping and praying all goes well, I am in the 6 month nutritional diet phase, it feels like forever but I will get through it. once completed, then I…
  • Hi, I too am on my way to gastric sleeve, I am in the nutritional diet for 6 months, already spoke to the surgeon just going through the process, I am scared but anxious at the same time. good luck!
  • Hi everyone, I am new to the site, however I am getting ready to get the by pass surgery, I am seeing my doctor next month to discuss everything, insurance already approved as well, I have read most of the post and say,,, hats off to all of you! I have dieted for a long time and lost 20-28 lbs everytime and then gained it…