hedwig207 Member


  • I'm in too... I've already lost some weight, and I have some more to go. But it's the last 7-10 pounds- so I know that will be difficult. Feel free to add me.
  • I do burpees in intervals. Look it up on youtube to see how it is done. They are really tough when you begin, and your body will ache a lot the first few days. (Almost as if it pains to even move), but it works really well, and takes very little time and no equipment. I do it in intervals of 30 secs with 30 sec rest, and I…
  • For me, I "Friend Zone" people pretty fast. So, if I was never attracted to a guy in the first place, then I would completely "friend zone" him and nothing would ever happen. But if I thought a guy was cute, and then became friends with him, there might be still a bit of sexual tension. But I know guys do this a lot.…
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