Irun4my4 Member


  • Not fixed here either. 668 calories 434 steps at 9am. SMH
  • Should not have 800+ calories for 8k steps PLUS the run. Nope.
  • I am having the same issue for the same duration. Previous to that, it was slow to update exercise calories, or would sync my Fitbit and Garmin and wipe all calories from steps without regard to how many of the steps were from a Garmin activity. It’s maddening as I rely on this for medical purposes to hit my macros and…
  • Hello, new here (WW refugee LOL). I am recovering from salivary gland cancer (surgery 6/30 to remove and they also took 8" of my fibula to build me a new jaw, which impacts my exercise/fitness; then 30 radiation treatments that took away sense of taste and smell for 3+ months). Worst "diet" ever - have lost 41 lbs since…
  • It truly depends on how honest you are when you track and how committed you are. Plus a host of other factors (metabolism, health, diet/food choices, current and past exercise, etc.). If you aim for 1-2 lbs a week and really stick with it through both diet and increasing your exercise, you have the greatest likelihood of…