

  • When we find our comfort or security in something that isn't good for us, just trying real hard is not enough. It's critical to still get you needs met- in a healthy way. We all need comfort and stress relief. Quiet, alone time with my journal is great to work through the stress of life. My bff and I go once a month or so…
  • I always pee a ton first thing, then a little while later I pee again even though I haven't had anything to drink. Once you are up and moving, your systems begin to flush, that's why you weigh a bit less. I'd bet you pee in the shower and that's where the extra weight goes!
  • My biggest weakness as far as food goes would be super rich, savory vegan food. Yes, you can gain weight on raw vegan food. I enjoy inventing raw vegan cuisine and I HAVE to sample it, so... I think for most people, staying on track means balance, not deprivation. A few of us need to eradicate certain things until we…
  • I know if there are treats in my house, I will eat them, or at least be thinking too much about them. In order to overcome our weaknesses, we need to recognize how much we can endure in our own strength, and how much puts us over the edge. If you do not yet possess the self control needed to pass up on the sweets in your…