

  • one more thing, i would Love to have the data "auto sync" into MFP.
    in micoach Comment by krlloyd June 2011
  • I use it every time ( almost) that i run. I love the data and mid run stats. the only downside is carrying my blackberry... i have an arm band and a mini-belly-bag thing that work pretty well, and nike running shorts have a good cell phone pocket.
    in micoach Comment by krlloyd June 2011
  • Lost my moobs, but i don't miss them :) I agree on the none of my clothes fit, but it is still worth it. one other item, I was cold a lot for a while, seem to have adjusted to the new weight though.
  • Well technically I did, but my target was only 35, it just felt right to keep going. I am actually at -38 today - lots of salt this weekend:) Myfitnesspal has been a great asset. I started Jan 6th, and did my own tracking of food and exercise in a spreadsheet through March. In March, a friend suggested MFP and I…
  • brilliant! I never thought to take the before pics...not that there aren't some pics that would work... need to find some and pose today in new shape.
  • Just got my VFF KSOs! Ignoring warnings from friends ( :) ) i went ahead and did 5 miles ( albeit treadmill miles ) the first night. A bit of calf soreness the next day, but they felt great! I did get a blister on my left heel that was a bit troublesome. I am hoping if i work into it my shoes and feet will adjust to each…