Thank u! I need to add u in my real profile :)
Got the ball and love it!!
Thanks so much!! Off to buy a ball :)
less carbs and more protein?
thanks for the link!! that helps!!! I try and eat "clean" about 85% of the time....6 days a week I am usually at about 45%carbs.... less than 30% fat..and about 25-30% that about right? I am losing inches and weight so I am not discouraged..just making sure by summer I will be rocking a bikini ;) so about 4…
thanks! I need a bench! and a bar!! I have up to 40 pound dumbbells I use for deadlifts and squats..also resistance tubing and bands
- is much better obviously but still very fat and it just hangs in front but its not skin it is fat....maybe i should add a pic from the basically just keep doing what I am doing and maybe lighten the cardio a bit