brandynicole28 Member


  • definitely boobs!! I rather like my rear!!!
  • Aran, Hi girl! Welcome and congrats for taking the first step to a healthier you!! Thirty-two months ago I weighed in at 324 lbs. and like you the unhealthy me was happy, content, and warm all rolled up under all that weight. Taking the first step is always the hardest and i worried also about how I, on the inside would…
  • I cannot begin to fathom the pain and loss that you have experienced. My thoughts are with you! Reading your post, your words are a testament to your resiliency and to the incredible amount of strength and perseverance you possess. You have made some choices, and some choices were made for you, but as many have stated YOU…
  • My plan for the weekend was to try to fit in exercise before work. So hard on the weekends when you work 12 hrs then sleep all day just to turn around and go back to work for 3 days in a row!! BUT i worked out Saturday before work!!! So proud of myself. So my goal for Sunday is to do the say before work! :D
  • Physically speaking, The V baby....i love the narrow V at the hips! Sooooo sexy. Mmmmm Intelligence is sexy, being able to make me laugh.
  • Glad you are back and things are going better for you!! HUGS!!! Great challenges Jen!! My thighs are screaming just thinking of the squats!!! lol
  • I had a great week. My eating/water is right on track, and I exercised 4 days this week, still having issues squeezing in workout on the weekends. Work Fri, Sat, Sun 7pm-7am then home by 8am, sleep til 4pm then out the door by 5:30pm. But I am going to make a concerted effort to fit it in at lease once this weekend!!! My…
  • Its all good girl!! Hugs to you!!!
  • Doing well. Down 2.3 lbs since last week.
  • Mine is on the 13th, which is Mother's day!! I will be 37. I am wanting to lose a bit more than 35 pounds, but by my birthday/Mother's Day i would love to have dropped that amount!!! My starting weight was 245 but i have lost 2 lbs this week so I am already down to 243. I have logged everything consistently for 12 days…
  • Its been a great week for me!!! Logged my food consistently for 12 days now and managed to stay under calories all 12 days!! I lost 2 more lbs!! Yay!!!! I have exercised 4 days this week and have consistently gotten in my water all week!! Looking forward to the new week and challenges!!
  • Kate, I am with you! I am 243 lbs and my ultimate goal is 145. So we have about the same amount to lose!!!! Although, I have lost 81 lbs over the last 2.5 years!!! Look forward to taking this journey with you!!! Brandy
  • As always great challenges Jen!! I feel so good being back on our proverbial wagon!! 12:01am this coming Monday morning will be a week that I have been back on track. I worked out 3 times this past week, it felt great! Already lost a few pounds this week. I have done w/o chocolate and diet sodas for 5 days now! So seems I…
  • Found this suggestion on a website....we talked alot about squeezing in workouts at work...and doing squats...situps....etc. Why not add some upper body!! Just a though.... "Armed an Dangerous If you have been an office worker for a long time you don't use your arm strength on a daily basis. This week your group can…
  • To all the haters...and for the record I am happily married so an EX isn't my motivation. BUT motivation is motivation. With 2/3 of the adult population in just the US alone, being obese, whatever it takes to be physically active I say GO FOR IT!!! :D
  • Laughing so hard..i have tears! Love it!
  • Love it!! Please count me in!! I would like to lose 25-30lbs by my birthday/mother's day (my birthday is on Mother's Day this year!!) Looking forward to a great 2012!! :)
  • Now that Christmas is put to bed for another year, I am not waiting until New Year's to make resolutions and get back on the proverbial wagon! Even as leftovers, cake, and the cookies I baked yesterday of 12:01 am Monday i was back in healthy mode! Came in under my calories goal (even after sampling the…
  • Hi everyone...after a "slacker" hiatus I have also returned. Last week was a very NAUGHTY week for me. The first in a really long time. Very little exercise and eating was atrocious. I've done really well this week getting back on the proverbial wagon, but I am having to go back through a detox of sorts. My body is craving…
  • Hi everyone! Im so thankful for each of you and for the STRICT logging challenge. I have been so lazy about logging my food and exercise the last few weeks. I gained 2 lbs two weeks ago, and for last weigh-in i lost 1.5 so I am back on track. I am loving our new permanent home!! Brandy
  • YAY we have a permanent home!!!!!!! I didn't know there were Groups!! YAY!!!!!
  • looking forward to this weeks challenges!! Great job Jen!! :D my weight is up for the first time. I'm up two lbs. will just try harder this week!! Hugs to everyone!!
  • Thank you Jen!! As always you are fabulous!! We love you and your challenge ideas!! Welcome to everyone who has just joined, we are happy too have you! Even though i expected a small increase in wt this week, I acutally lost another 1.5 lbs!! YAY!!!! I was LMAO at the locking the door and telling the kids you are pooping…
  • hi everyone! I haven't posted in over a week. This week has been very challenging, been having knee/hip pain so i have rested them this week, no exercising since Sunday morning. :( My eating has been on track, but several days i have dropped the ball on my water intake. Like many of you i have been trying to track my…
  • Happy Sunday to everyone, hope its a wonderful and blessed day! Here are some alternatives to the usual Ab exercises. These can be done standing, and are especially great for those of us that work outside the home and try to sneak in exercise where we can!!! I will include the link to this article also if you want to see…
  • Like many, week two was quite arduous for me. I lost more weight, i met my workout challenges, but the eating was a little off. Had several Diet Mt Dew's this week, broke down after 2 wks of no chocolate and has some, Hershey's Special Dark Chocolate Bar. Although it took me 3 days to eat 3/4 of the bar!(the last fourth of…
  • So.....APPARENTLY I suck at PLANK! LOL I did three sets throughout the day(trying to improve), my times were 30/27/32 seconds. I think i will try to do some everyday and try improving a little at a time. My kids (17/14) were trying to help me by cheering me on...and doing them with me, according to them its…
  • Happy Thursday everyone!! I didn't get to see the squat challenge yesterday but i will add 100 to my workout today! Since, I am starting the WAH Leslie Sansone 14 day Challenge(love the WAH/|WATP DVD's), the mini-goal for that is "2.5 MINUTES of PLANKS", so I am challenging everyone to do 1-2.5 mins of planks today!!!!…
  • Maybe try another one of the P90X dvds?? And INSANITY doesnt require the coordination, and you dont need weights. Alot of plyometrics, which equals lots of jumping. Should be called insanity for your knees!!! LOL But WTG for giving it ur best effort!!
  • wtg Jen!!! Its tough!! My bestie did it! I did a month of INSANITY last year!! Another tough one!!!!