Divashrink1982 Member


  • Beautifully written. Best wishes as you continue your recovery journey!
  • You're in the right place, OP! I'm sorry that you're struggling so much. I have struggled with trying to figure out the food thing (for me, this has meant going back and forth between restricting and not caring at all) for well over a decade. Neither one of those has worked for me, and I need to do this to find out what…
  • It's decent. I like the Dannon Oikos, Yoplait, and Stonyfield a little better than the Dannon Light & Fit only because the former three have less of an aftertaste to me. But, for 80 calories and 12 g protein, it's hard to beat. I like the Dannon Light & Fit way better than the Chobani. My new favorite is Yoplait's 100 cal…
  • Be patient. One of the things that I've heard over and over again from my mommy friends is that it took 9 months to put the weight on - it's okay if it takes 9 months to take it off as well (or longer). I would fear that if you are too drastic, it would mess with your supply, especially as little as your daughter still is.…
  • Yoga is a wonderful stress reliever. Deep breathing is also helpful. Good luck!
  • I have a history of EDNOS as well. I've vacillated between being so meticulous about what I eat and obsessive about eating and weight to wanting so badly to break out of that and not weighing myself for years. I have never been able to find a place of moderation. That's what I'm trying to do now. I also have about 60 lbs…
  • I am not anorexic, but I do have a history of an eating disorder. I was never underweight enough to be anorexic but have had a very unhealthy relationship with food and used it as a means of control for many years. In my efforts to try to recover from doing so, I swung in the opposite direction and didn't weigh myself for…
  • I am currently nursing my son, who will be 2 in April. I only gained 20 lbs with him (partially because I was sick the whole time, partially because he was early), and I lost 15 within the first 3 weeks. I lost the rest a few months later. Unfortunately, I gained a bunch of it back (holidays and injuries) before I realized…