kuzmacombat Member


  • I honestly thought anyone with a basic understanding of the human body knew this already. Oh well, guess I was wrong. Muscle is closer to the organs and fat is furthest away. When you're not getting enough calories, your body has to get energy from somewhere, usually from fat, unless your calories become too low. In which…
  • Simple answer is this, Which has more calories, a 500cal piece of cake or a 500cal piece of steak. It doesn't matter where they come from, if they're not burned, they're stored as fat. Simple biology 101. The micro nutrients, are you're body's energy source. Most people believe ketosis comes from lack of carbs, but it…
  • http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-fvDhg1i0AFI/UccRmiXnUVI/AAAAAAAAFP0/P1_oaHT18C8/s320/tumblr_ml5j95zcGO1s39x98o1_500.jpg
  • It most definitely does. Hormones affect everything in the body. I know you're a woman, but as an example....as men age, their testosterone and igf drop, and in turn they lose muscle mass, gain fat and lose endurance. I know, I've heard women say the same thing you did, during their cycle they get lethargic(lazy), feel…