

  • I'm 5'2, and currently weigh 117 lbs. I'm a size 5 in jeans. My goal weight is 110 lbs, but I mostly just want to tone my stomach and thighs. I'm a soccer player, and so my thighs are muscly but I have some inner thigh fat I want to get rid of.
  • To try to fit in more glasses of water, I drink a glass first thing in the morning, and last thing before bed. I find it refreshing, and it cleans out your system! I've also heard online that drinking lots of water keeps your skin and hair more moisturized and revitalized (compared to not drinking water). Another I heard…
  • Everybody's time would be different depending on your level of fitness. I've never ran a 5km, but have done 10km runs in the past and do a few every year. My first time took me an 1:05, so a 5km would maybe be about around 35 minutes for me.