

  • StarryGirl, Have you talked to your doctor about this? Sometimes excessively long periods are attributed to uterine fibroids. I know not everyone has health insurance these days, but hopefully you can see a doctor about getting to the cause and reducing your symptoms. I've had friends with this fibroids and it can really…
  • HAHA! Love it. :bigsmile:
  • Wow! People still think that way? Ridiculous! Given that there is not enough food in the universe to satisfy my appetite in the days before I start my period, I better work out or I'll gain 20 pounds in a week! :smile:
  • Wow! If I read this correctly, you just posted and you've received a LOT of replies! That right there is testimony to the MFP community. First off, my hat is off to you for being so considerate of your wife and wanting to find a plan that works for both of you. What a guy! Friends of mine (husband and wife) have been on…
  • First off, impressive workout! Good for you! You have a lot of calories to work with there! Perhaps you want to check how you're doing on vitamins/minerals for the day/week and use that as a guide? Aside from that, as much as I luuuuv Mexican food, that would be low on my list because it tends to be fairly high in fat. I…