learnbygoing Member


  • I'm 5'2, and would be thrilled to get back to 120, but 115 is my ultimate goal. I made it to 119 last year and was pretty happy with that, but then had a horrible winter and gained back a bunch of weight.
  • THIS. I know for me at least I have to do what works for ME, my schedule, and my life (time, finances, etc). Plus, I've learned if I start a workout, give it a week, and still hate it, I move on. Does your gym offer a trial membership? Like, just 2 weeks or a month with no commitment? If so, maybe try that first with…
  • I'm a bit confused by your question? Are you talking about being "pushed down" in the boob area? I wear my chest strap underneath my breasts, so that the strap is underneath the bottom of my sports bra. I don't even notice it's there once I have it all set up.
  • I have a good friend that smoked for 15 years and quit by chewing on toothbrushes. She was determined not to lose weight, and it really worked for her. From what I've heard, you just have to keep trying different things until you find what works for you personally. Good luck!
  • bump - this looks awesome!
  • I'll ditto the "lift heavy" mantra! I'm 5'2" and 129 lbs. I was at my lowest last summer, at 119, and my goal weight is 115 (I have a pretty small frame, so that's a good weight for me). I gained a bunch of weight back over the winter :( But I owe most of my success to lifting, I think - Chalean Extreme and the The New…
  • We got married in December 2001 - just celebrated 10 years last month :D Our first dance was to "Come What May" from the Moulin Rouge Soundtrack. Like some others I've read on here, we had a second song too - the last song we danced to at the reception was "All I Want is You" by U2. Best day of my life.
  • Be a better friend. And be nicer to your sister. Oh, and don't make out with that guy...your sister will later marry him, and that just leads to all kinds of awkward >.<
  • Realizing that I was one pound away from being listed as overweight. Obesity is a trend in my family, and I never want to get as large as my parent/grandparents did.
  • I have the same problem :( Unfortunately, you have three options: Spend a ton of money on made-to-fit pants, bring them to a tailor, or buy some really fantastic belts. I don't really love any of the options, but for the time being, it's belts for me.
  • I'm 5'2", and my goal weight is 115. My starting weight was 144 and I just hit 120 recently :D Almost there!
  • Try: Adding a tablespoon or two of olive oil to whatever you're cooking Avocados Nuts (esp. cashews, walnuts, pecans, etc) A spoonful of peanut butter These are all chock full of calories and good fats, and not terribly filling :D You just need to plan better, that's all. Some days I put my food in my diary first thing in…
  • Unfortunately, fat loss is allllll diet. You can tone your muscles with lifting weights, but the fat won't go away with spot exercising :(
  • I'm on week 5, day 4 :D I have two munchkins, but they're not so tiny anymore...they are 10 and 5. You're going to love P90X...just get through the first week, that's the hardest, and I promise it gets easier! And as long as you didn't injure yourself, work through the soreness! It will go away eventually :D
  • What an adorable idea! Some people are really motivated by visuals, and this obviously works for you. Love it :D
  • Maybe, based on your height and whatnot...but seriously, I wouldn't make a decision like that without talking to a doctor or nutritionist first. Have you stopped seeing results? Are you sure you just aren't plateauing? Honestly, sometimes our body needs us to eat MORE healthy calories when we are so close to our goal…
  • I use it on my plain shredded wheat about 4 days a week, and I've never had that problem...then again, I regularly drink 12-15 glasses of water a day, so I'm pretty much never thirsty :D Could it have been something else?
    in Truvia Comment by learnbygoing July 2011
  • I ADORE Chalean Extreme! I just finished my 90 day cycle, and saw tremendous results. Also, it's fantastic because it can be as easy or difficult as you want it to be, based on the weight you use. It's a great for both a beginner weight lifter or a seasoned veteran. I just started P90X two weeks ago, and I don't think I…
  • If it's muscle pain, push through it! I'm on my second week, and am amazed at the difference even just one week makes. However if you're having joint pain be more careful...I've been having problems with one of my shoulders and have needed to modify/skip a few of the moves to give it more time to get back to normal.
  • You need some higher calorie, healthy fat foods! My go-to foods are unsalted cashews and almonds (180 cals for just a quarter cup...adds up quickly!), avocados, pita and hummus, or just add some olive oil to anything (100 cals per tablespoon). If you do this throughout your day, you'll feel full without feeling like you're…
  • A few things to think about: 1. If you are already close to your goal weight, it will take a LOT longer to come off. You're only 10 pounds from where you want to be, and honestly, you'll be lucky if you average 0.5 lbs a week. Some people that close to goal go weeks without losing, even if they are eating well and working…
  • I totally hear you on the caffeine! I can't have it at ALL anymore. It makes me jittery too, and makes my limbs feel all jelly-like and weird. I hate it!
  • Haha, this is awesome! I just started P90X last week and I spent my entire weekend hobbling around like an old woman after my legs workout on Friday.
  • Thanks for all the encouragement, guys! And it's so good to see other knitters here on MFP...if any of you are on Ravelry, come find me! My username is harrowinggrace.
  • 500mg is the minimum WITHOUT exercise. When you sweat you are also losing sodium, and your body does need some to function properly. Just be careful, and listen to your body :D
  • I used to be exactly the same as you...I would work out for a week or two, lose my motivation, and then not workout for the next 4 months. What worked for me was finding something that I LOVED to do and starting small. What I found for myself was that I really love lifting weights. So I started with just that, and changing…
  • I'm 5'2 1/2", and at the moment my goal weight is 115.
  • Are you lifting weights? Lift often (2-3x a week) and HEAVY (3 sets of 6-10 as heavy as you possibly can for each exercise) and you will seriously boost your weight loss :D Also, I can't see your diary, but make sure you're eating as cleanly as possible: lots of veggies and lean protein, and whole grains whenever possible.…
  • This looks amazing, I can't wait to see your results! I've been thinking about trying a bodybuilding.com program after vacation, zi'll have to do some research. Do you think I could do it mostly at home with my dumbbells, free weights, and bench, or do you really need a gym membership?