

  • I suggest you NOT miss that second eat up day!! TWICE I forgot to do my second eat up day and the next week is when I had either a weight gain or stand still. It wasn't until I had the second eat up day that I broke that. I came close to doing a fast today. I didn't eat until noon and only had a protein bar then. Then ate…
  • WOOOHOOOOO!!! That's so awesome!! Doesn't it feel amazing to be on the right track? I know for me it has felt so good! I have seen such changes in my body visually the last two weeks. Even though the scale doesn't move as quickly as I'd like, I do like that I went down one pant size and now those are getting a little…
  • Roasted cauliflower, broccoli or kale chips with olive or coconut oil...
  • Awesome! thanks!
  • WOOOOHHOOOOOO!!!!!!! Awesome!!! Go YOU!!!
  • Do the links in the manual go to the new ones?
  • Ok, so I didn't feel like doing my workout today. I was tired and sore and just lazy. I forced myself to do it anyway and I am so glad I did!! I feel more relaxed, less tired and skinnier (LOL)!! I think I am officially a venus workout junky!!!
  • @ktay I hope you heal quickly and get right back to it!!
  • Rock - I am doing VERY well if I can do 1,000. I am normally at 1200. Sometimes 1100. Its just how it is. 1,000 is MINIMUM anyway so I think 1200 is really good! Now yesterday was my eat up day and I still woke up at 3 am starving. That is an intrigue to me. Wondering what is going on with that. I haven't seen anywhere…
  • YAY brandtsgirl!! YAY!!! Every healthy step - even baby ones are good steps!! Some of the grandest changes have come from small sometimes imperceptible changes. "Not doing well on everything" is not giving yourself no credit!! Did you do better than you did last week? That's all that matters!
  • I SO understand!!!! But clearly you are on the right path, headed in the right direction if you lost a cm!!! That is obviously a pound of muscle that you gained.
  • Felt like poop yesterday - fighting off some virus. But I still did most of my workout!!! I skipped the last two sets of the last three exercises. I am thinking I might just do those today :( I am feeling a bit OCD about leaving them unfinished!! lol
  • YOU'RE the star!!! 17 pounds lost!!! You're my motivation!!
  • Sounds like you got it all figured out, but I'll give my input anyway just so people know everyone is different... I cannot go to bed hungry. I cannot fall asleep. I have to eat a little something right before bed, if I don't I either will not fall asleep or I will wake up in the early hours, hungry and not be able to fall…
  • Welcome back pants!! I had seen that you hadn't logged in and was wondering what happened to you. It wasn't your usual MO. Sorry to hear about your back!! I have back problems myself, so I understand what you are talking about. Your plan sounds right on though! Start fresh where you left off!! WOOHOO!! Here's to a good…
  • OMG!! YES!! The curtsy lunges and the reverse lunges did me in!! I felt like I RIPPED my hamstrings on the first ones. I suggest you DO work out tomorrow!! Just modify the one that you think did the most damage. For me I couldn't go all the way to the ground on those lunges like I did that first time. After a few weeks of…
  • @ktay - YES!! One place!! THAT TOO!! I'm here anyway to do the log, plus it is so much easier to navigate, I think. Get back on the horse girl!! Everyday is a new day!! I had a bad week, myself - almost gave up, but got much support and I feel like I'm back on track now mentally!
  • ACK!! Thanks pantsonfire!! I needed that, because I got on the scale again this morning - after eating 1000 AND working out yesterday AND restarting my med - and I am up another pound. WTH???!!!! I thought I was doing well, just weighing once a week. I've weighed myself every day since the gain though and up up up it goes!…
    in UGH- Comment by jaidenphyr April 2014
  • I find the venus site not so user friendly. I don't find too many groups that I'm interested in that are active.
  • I realized this afternoon that perhaps it was due to my running out of my high blood pressure meds - it has a diuretic in it. Between that, the extra sugar AND the fact that that sugar was dairy which I'd basically eliminated, I think I figured it out. I got my refill, worked out and am indeed drinking the extra water with…
    in UGH- Comment by jaidenphyr April 2014
  • As for 'that time of the month' I had a hysterectomy, but I do have my ovaries so I'm not really sure if the body still does the water weight thing. I was hoping it might be water - even from the more sugar. I know you all are right. That's why I posted...I needed to hear it!! I need the support. Thank you!!
    in UGH- Comment by jaidenphyr April 2014
  • I'm not very good at contests. No competitive spirit. I simply like to compete against myself. That way I can actually 'win'!
  • You might try adding a protein bar like Quest to up the protein without the fat.
  • WOOHOOOO!!! Yay! I am 6 weeks in now and still loving it and doing great! I am feeling like I am getting my 'me' back!
  • So true! sleipnir!! No guilt!! I never felt "guilty" per se, just odd. Like I wanted to keep going on the deficit. Now I am in week 5 and I no longer feel that way. I don't really plan my maintenance days either. There are some days that I need more calories and those end up being my maintenance days - as long as I don't…
  • YAY YOU Empress!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Update: I've had a few days under 1,000 which make up for the days I hit 1,200. My progress has been definite but odd (to me). I've lost 2 lbs each week and I lost 2 inches off my shoulders the first week and nothing the second week. Steady 1/2 inch losses from my waist and one inch from my hips. I assumed that there would…
  • I would think - and I emphasize think because I don't KNOW - that if you keep on a healthy eating and exercise regime that your body will recover and you will not have done permanent damage. I would think it would take a bit of time for your body to "forget" the starvation you put it through, however. Just my thoughts...
  • I'm in my third week. I weigh in tomorrow, but I dont' think I've lost anymore than the 2 pounds the first week. BUT I feel great! I am definitely eating less calories than I was and working out more, so I am holding on to the thought that I am losing fat but gaining muscle so the scale isn't showing it. I did lose some…
    in Hello! Comment by jaidenphyr March 2014