

  • I am also having a hard time eating my calories back. I think it is partially do to the amount of water I've been drinking. Prior to joining I never drank this much water (BAD-had kidney stones), but I have been working very hard to get in at least my 8 glasses a day. Today I have the highest deficit I have ever had of…
  • Hi T., I know how you feel, but keep plugging away at it. Out of the group I'm am with I have lost the least amount of weight. I get jealous (and yes I can admit that), but I am truly happy for them. We started on Ash Wednesday and I weighed 173 1/2 and I am now at 168.8 which is about 4lbs. I don't get to exercise…
  • Hi, I am all stomach and boobs so I can't help you there. That happens to be where all of my weight is. I've been doing a little research to find out if it is better to lose the weight and then try to tone or try to tone while losing weight. My legs and arms are quite muscular now and I don't want to look too bulky. If you…
  • I'm in. I did the 2 mile express tonight.
  • My co-workers and I started actively watching our food intake and trying to exercise about 12 days ago. I must admit I haven't even thought that far ahead. So far I am just looking forward to being able to tie my shoes (bow in the middle of the shoe and not on the side) without being out of breath.:happy:
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