CamberTilly Member


  • Thanks everyone for your advice and support! I will work at eating back more of my exercise calories and try some interval training routines to see if that will make a difference!
  • I do burn a lot of calories through exercise. I "work out" (gym, swimming) for 2-3 hours per day most days. (I am blessed to have a lot of time on my hands for the moment). I also use the strength training machines at the gym, but don't track those in MFP as there are like 12 machines that I use and they don't seem to…
  • Thanks for your reply! It makes me feel less crazy that someone else is/has been here! I will look more into the interval thing. I do occasionally (like 1or 2x/week) mix some jogging into my walking, but not following any specific program that way. Hopefully I will have good things to report by this week's weigh in. When I…
  • I measure, count, eat the specific serving size, etc. If I am in doubt, I overestimate the amount just to be on the safe side. I'm sure I'm not 100% accurate 100% of the time, but I do strive to accurately track.