

  • When I first started, I used slim fast products with great success. Specifically, I used meal replacement shakes and 100 calorie snack bars. The taste is up to you, I found some that I thought were delicious and some that tasted very chalky, I feel as though its a very personal thing that varies from person to person.…
  • I also do a little of both. I log my breakfast and lunch usually the day before or first thing in the morning, but I usually don't decide whats for dinner until I get home from work, at which time I check my diary and see how different things fit. On the weekends, however, I usually play it by ear.
  • don't ever punish or deprive yourself. If you go everyday stating I can't have this I can't have this you will want it more. Don't feel guilty either. If you want it, have it, then deal with the consequences (good or bad). Exercise a little harder maybe, or it if fits into your day, don't even worry about it. Most of all,…
  • When I started out I did exercise at least 6 days a week, usually 7. Now that I've gotten to where I want to be, I exercise both days on the weekends and usually 2 days during the week, but always always at least 3 days a week. Now its just more of a comfort thing for me, I know what I need to do to maintain and I enjoy…
  • I also have a polar ft 7 and I highly recommend it. Like everyone said, it doesn't do distance. I use the imapmyrun (runkeeper also works) app on my blackberry to track my distance, avg mph, etc and the hrm for heart rate and calories burned. Whatever you choose, I would just suggest do your shopping. You will be able to…
  • it sounds like you have it pretty much covered. Basically, just find reasons to get up and walk around. Don't neglect your job or your responsibilities of course, but like was said before, go talk to someone rather than sending an email, use the rest room on the other side of the building or other stairs. The only thing I…
  • runkeeper and imapmyrun (i think there's an imapmywalk as well) both use gps and I've liked both. They also both have a website that the app syncs too
  • i got my polar ft7 brand new in package on ebay for around $70 and it usually sells for much more than that and I absolutely love it. It's easy as can be to use and seems to be extremely accurate. I would definitely do some research on HRMs for what you're looking for and what your comfortable paying for it, and then do…
  • Weighing in for me is something I look forward to and something that keeps me in check, therefore it is a definite requirement for me. I know that if I'm not happy with a weigh in I'm going to work that much harder, and if I am happy with a weigh in its going to make me feel good and make me work harder, whereas not doing…
  • I see this as a completely person decision. I will agree with above the posters above have said, as long as you're getting proper nutrients you should be fine. I think where the bad may come into play is for people who may not have great discipline. Eating the same thing everyday may get boring which may cause more and…
  • Put it behind you, these things happen. I also think the 11 lb gain is possibly a little off, but it could be a number of things. Just work hard in the coming days and get back on the grind. What's done is done, it already happened and can't be changed, just don't let 11 lb turn into 15 then into 20, etc. Weight…
  • I also bought the polar ft7 at the recommendation of this site and a so happy with my purchase. It is amazingly easy to use, comfortable to wear, and from what I've heard extremely accurate. It is definitely on the pricier side but after some research I was able to get a very great price for a brand new one on ebay. I…
    in HRM Comment by ksr5000 May 2011
  • Personally, I enjoy the logging, it keeps me in check. This is/was an important thing for me to finally lose weight and i can honestly say that this website and fatsecret.com are the single reasons why it got done (i started at that site, came to this about halfway through). That being said, I started this with my wife.…
  • Whats done is done, feeling guilty simply makes it worse. As everyone already said, stay within your calories and make sure its no habit. These things happen.
  • I also weigh in daily, first thing in the morning. I've heard on many occasions this is the wrong thing to do but its what works best for me. I expect the fluctuations as part of the work, but weighing in daily keeps me honest and working hard.
    in weighing in Comment by ksr5000 May 2011
  • I'm in the same boat, congratulations, it definitely does feel good.