

  • Hey there to everyone that was encouraging and shared any possible insight. After about 6 weeks...I broke my plateau! I did so by INCREASING my calories and DECREASING my exercise. I was exercising WAY too much overall. The 30-45 minutes of hard cardio plus 4-5 mile walk 6 days a week was TOO much apparently. Instead, now…
  • I'd encourage you to post more reliable resources. While most of the information is correct for MOST, it isn't correct for ALL. But Thank you dear. I have always found the the Minnesota study IJS. As for my calories, increasing them has actually helped me lose weight. So, that's that. Lindsey1979 and…
  • Hi Lindsey1979. Yeah I had no clue what macros/micros were lol. For protein, it's generally about 25-40%. Carbs are about 40-55%. Fats are about 10-20%. I try keeping Fats the absolute lowest. These are based off LoseIt. Everything has some carb in it apparently. I ate an apple and logged it as a carb. I drank a protein…
  • This was very informative! As of this morning I started taking my magnesium, D3, Zinc, multivitamin, and B6. I haven't been taking them in a WHILE. Ugh. LOL. For iodine deficiency I take Iodoral every other day. I also take Maca supplements to help with energy and hormone balance. Yeah, I just don't get what the sudden…
  • You totally just freaked me out a little. THIS IS ME DOWN TO THE T... I went over last month...and there was only 3 days in it that I had a net calories of 1200-1500. All of the others were below 1000. One was as low as 476. The LOWEST was 299. I wanted to cry at how bad it was. Again, this past week was the first week…
  • That's actually not too bad! I'm going to read all the reviews on the one's I see and make a decision. I will have to let you know which one I decide on!
  • This was what I was doing AND working out!!!! Yet, some of the folks on here want me to cut MORE. SO....I will try this!!!! My TDEE (Mifflin-St. Jeor formula) is 2355 for my CURRENT weight of 182.0. TDEE-20% is 1885. So, what I will do is make that the most I take in... and the least is 1650(non workout days). Is this…
  • Sgrover1983: that's awesome that you mention a polar loop! I'm on Amazon and that's one of the recommendations! HA! I too want to ensure that my current HRM is correct. Plus, it wouldn't hurt to get a new one. LOL. Yeah, I could only do the 1000 for a week, the 1250 for two weeks, and the 1400-1500 for a week. I had very…
  • Hey guys!!!! Some of you have REALLY helped me see what could be my issue. 1) I'm over training or under eating TOO much...still. 2) Some type of hormone imbalance is amiss...considering my family history and past blood labs...I'm truly hoping this isn't it! Primarily it would be insulin resistance...I had elevated glucose…
  • Audii: THANK YOU!!!!!!! Since 1250-1500 leaves me lightheaded, gives me headaches, and moody....I think I'll try 1650 a day. This past week, I maintained with just eating 1800 (now exercise) and 2000 (exercise). So, I think what I'll do is intake a little above my BMR and see where that puts me. I think I just got so lost…
  • CONGRATS!!!! And that would drive me nuts as well!!! LOL I hear you... but this is insane. You'd think if you were just being meticulous about exercising and calorie intake you wouldn't be stuck for so long. LOL. I'm on week, I'm hoping to gain some patience...doesn't look promising though lol
  • Thanks for replying Steph6467. So my question now would be...shouldn't I have gained every time I've upped my calorie intake then? If I was "miscalculating." Now, I'm curious. LOL. Going from 1100 calories a day and let's say burning only "300" a day with working out lasting 45 1450 and working out 30 minutes…
  • THIS!!!!! I love it!!!! I think this is what I did! With all sincerity! Like when I first started, eating 700 calories? BMR alone needs add a 200 calorie workout/walk? This is why I'm thinking it could be insulin resistance but PRAYING it isn't. I've upped my calories to 1800-2000 this week... and only worked…
  • FIRST: I'd like to say THANK YOU to everyone who gave me other insightful information. I can't remember everyone's name...however, the person who mentioned Iodine and hit the nail on the head! That's where I was 3 months ago and took it a few weeks. Now that I think of it, I've noticed a few subtle changes…
  • Hi BigTireFlippe! I TOTALLY AGREE WITH YOU. Which is why I DON'T include my walking in calories burned. This is primarily because I've been walking for years and actually LIKE doing it. Same reason why I don't count house cleaning,etc because I enjoy it. If you'd refer back to my first post, I said I burn 350-500 calories…
  • Eldamiano.... Haaaa! Nice comeback. However, if you choose to go toe to toe...we can! I can definitely take CONSTRUCTIVE criticism. I just get REALLY annoyed by people like YOU who think THEY KNOW IT ALL have a very rude way of trying to convince others of such. First and foremost, I lost the weight by doing as I will…
  • Eldamiano... don't post on this thread and be a jerk. It will NOT be tolerated. Just so you know, I've lost nearly 40 lbs thus far. I measure and weigh EVERY lick, taste, bite and even sniff if I think it's worth calories. Again, I've done everything (NO app calculates correctly, so I have a monitor to tell me know how…
  • I've been working out for a VERY long time. I put my information in ALL equipment and phone apps. Not saying that it is TOTALLY accurate... but, I'm pretty sure it's more than 530. Not trying to be a jerk, but, I'd rather believe what a machine/app tells me than getting lost in all these website recommendations. The app…
  • LTKeegan: Hi! I run and do the elliptical. The elliptical alone for 45 mins and I burn 510-530 cals. Running depends on how fast I go. Sometimes I'll even do a 4 mile walk and burn 580. My weight allows me to burn more (bigger you are the more you burn). I also do weight lifting sometimes. Lindsey1979: Well, I'm down from…
  • Upping my calories to see if it will help. I've been at 550-1000 NET cals this whole time. My BMR is 1625. TDEE 2377-2541. So, I'll up my intake to 1900-2050. I've been consistently eating less than 1500 for about 3 months although I'll burn 500+-1000. SMH. I've been researching, so hopefully upping it with a net of no…
  • Well, when you hear things like "burn more than you eat to lose weight" or "calories in, calories out"...I'd think so. LOL. Hence, were you can sense my confusion! :noway: Sooooooooooo, is it the wrong way or is it not? Do I need to just eat like 2000 calories a day when exercising or no?
  • d3mon4ngel : No, I don't necessarily eat all my calories back. If I burn 400 calories in the gym; then I'll eat about 1700-1750 calories a day. I was thinking about taking the military bootcamp (Navy here) route. Where you eat at least 3-4,000 a day and only burn about 1500-2000. Also, I think YOU have a VERY good point.…