

  • I contacted a licensed dietician at the suggestion of another poster a little while ago. She is going to meet with me this week to help work out a plan that she feels will best suit my needs. She is also my colon hydrotherapist, so I feel comfortable in knowing that she will understand my needs and adjust my diet…
  • Let me answer a few questions: 1. I am not starting a "diet" JUST to lose weight. I am looking to totally revamp the way I eat because I have digestive and colon issues following pregnancy and childbirth. The fact that I have 100 lbs. really has very little to do with my reasons for wanting to make this "lifestyle change."…
  • "Well, you've only kind of alluded to what may be wrong with you, based on certain foods. Have you been tested for food allergies or gluten intolerance?" I am in the process of getting tested. All of this has really just started to surface in the last 6 months. I used to be able to eat whatever I wanted, no problem…
  • Thanks for the advice, everyone! Looks like I have some homework to do! To be clear, neither of these fad diets has "exactly" the plan I am looking to follow- I need the high fiber that Paleo can't offer, and I can't eat the breads, pastas, etc. that South Beach starts introducing after a couple of weeks. I was on Weight…
  • Jerry- thanks for the advice- YES I am using MFP and doing a calorie deficit diet, but I do need to deprive myself of things because of my digestive issues. I can't even begin to explain what I have gone through the last six months without getting graphic, but I will tell you that what I eat makes a HUGE difference in the…