RedRelish Member


  • BMO Okanagan Half coming up on October 7th! This'll be my second half after completing my first last month, and if all goes well, perhaps a full on the horizon for next year? We'll see! :happy:
  • Thanks! I'm totally diggin' the Pocahontas vibes that you and nochoa have got going on too! :happy:
  • I'm 5'3" and somewhere around 135 rights now; would love to get down to around 115 by Halloween! I've just started training for a half marathon in October as well so as long as I stick to my training schedule I should be on the right track, my biggest downfall is just eating too much tasty food!
  • I've always loved Halloween, so this seems like an awesome goal! I've been getting pretty into zombies lately, so my goal is something along these lines (but with my own twist!)
  • Hello! I'm Michelle. I'm from BC, Canada, just outside of Vancouver. I started running on a whim about 2 years ago and have been loving it ever since. I've done a couple 10k's and just completed my first half marathon in June. Recently signed up for another half in October and am psyched to start my training tomorrow!
  • Hi! My major is psychology and I'm just going into my 3rd year. Right now I'm most interested in developmental psychology and disorders. My classes for the coming semester are: Evolutionary psychology Learning Memory Child psychology Children's literature Looking forward to these classes for sure! Just finishing my summer…
    in Classes? Comment by RedRelish June 2012
  • That's crazy! I had a wildlife encounter myself once, though not quite as wild as that. In the summer had ridden my bike out to a trail that goes along the *kitten* next to a river near my place, and about a mile or so in this big old black bear pops up out of nowhere in the field maybe one or two hundred metres away from…
  • Hi! I'm pretty new here as well (just restarted actually, but it's my first time using the website and not just the app), and I'd love to be at my goal by the new year! I'm a student as well, just finishing up my second year and I too gained the dreaded freshman 15 (more like 30), and I'm willing to put the work in to make…
  • Hey Michelle! Feel free to add me if you want, I'm a runner currently training for my first half marathon (coming up later this month already!), and I would love to make some runner friends so we can motivate each other! Oh yeah, my name is Michelle too :tongue:
  • Hey potential twins, here's my numbers, so add me maybe! (Sorry, couldn't help myself) :bigsmile: Female Age: 20 SW/CW: 135 (just got started again) GW: 105-110
  • What do you train in? Sun Hang Do (similar to Tae Kwon Do) When did you start? Way back in November 2000, when I was 8 years old! Who inspires you? The master instructors in our organization; they are just so dedicated and inspiring Biggest accomplishment/ proudest moment so far? Most recently, winning a gold medal in…
  • I'm 5'3" and 135lbs. Just starting to get serious about getting fit and healthy again. I've been down to around 100lbs a couple years ago (which was definitely too skinny), but I'd love to get back to a happy medium of 115lbs or so for now. I take martial arts classes and run a few times per week (I'm actually training for…