

  • I've tried this weight loss thing and given up so many times it's ridiculous so I'm in need someone to kick me when I'm about to give up for the hundredth time and decide that I'm just doomed to be fat. Just a couple months ago I weighed 147, my lowest ever, I was in great shape playing soccer and running 5 days a week.…
  • You look AMAZING! inspiration for me :)
  • I am in serious need of a fitness buddy or a group or something to keep me on track, someone to hold me responsible! Anyone up for it?
  • I can completely relate. All day through school and work I'm a saint and then I get home and actually have time to think about everything that's going on and I'll eat until I literally feel I might explode. I find it helps a lot to brush my teeth right after supper. Also helps me to chew gum or distract myself by focusing…
  • I am terrible at being good over the weekends. Friday through sunday I seem to eat everything I get my hands on. I'll make trips to the store just to buy pizza, sushi and chocolate covered almonds almost every weekend! So I thought I should post here and see if maybe knowing that I'd have to 'fess up on monday morning…
    in Weekend! Comment by tmarianne April 2009
  • I just checked it out and you have it as a closed group, so no one can join unless you invite them just to let you know :)
  • thank you for all the support! started over today, put it all behind me and it's going well so far :smile: one day at a time
    in Vent Comment by tmarianne April 2009
  • I do have a treadmill and weights, exercise dvds etc lying around the house so I really have no excuse to not be exercising, I just can't seem to find something that I love. I hate that I dread doing my 30 minutes of jogging each day
    in Vent Comment by tmarianne April 2009
  • It's the worst when I'm sitting around with family at night and they're eating popcorn, ice cream and all kinds of bad things like that!
    in Vent Comment by tmarianne April 2009
  • Thank you very much for answering at all! Feeling a little better, guess I just have to really sit down and get back to this like I used to. No more half attempts since those last me about a day and then I've given up once again. You're all very inspiring :smile:
    in Vent Comment by tmarianne April 2009
  • Okay, so I never post on here but I need to vent and since I started this a year ago you're always supporting each other. Well as I said I started this a year ago, I was 17 and hat's probably young to be watching weight but I got tired of being the overweight one, the one who's always self-conscious and hiding in oversized…
    in Vent Comment by tmarianne April 2009
  • Don't normally post on here but I thought I had to share this when I came across it today - 20 great meal ideas for under 300 calories, ready in half an hour :smile:
    in Dinner Comment by tmarianne July 2008