

  • Jamie, Stay on track, you can do it!!! Tell the leftovers to go F**k themselves....(can I say that??) because you have goals of being a healthy and fit momma for your babies and that 5 minutes of fleeting pleasure eating some mac and cheese is exactly what will make you fail. drink a glass of water, eat a piece of fruit,…
  • disagree on pay to play comment, you need to know if you are a neutral stride or if you over- or under-pronate and where you strike. . the shape of your foot will also come into play. once you know these details you can make decisions based on them, otherwise you are taking a shot in the dark every time.
  • it only takes a minute to throw a tee or a tank over that bikini top. just sayin. def not appropriate in a store or out in public unless you are in a beach community during the daytime and going to/coming from the beach or pool.