kguerriere Member


  • Pumpkin Pancakes 1/2 cup canned pumpkin 1/2 cup low fat vanilla yogurt 1/4 tsp baking soda 1 whole egg 3 egg whites 1/4 cup flour 1/4 tsp salt Mix all ingredients well. Heat large skillet coating with nonstick spray and spoon 1/3 cup batter out for each pancake. Flip when covered with bubbles and edges are slightly brown.…
  • I'm Katie, 27, no specific number of lbs to lose. I'm okay with the number on the scale, just don't like my body composition. Hoping to lose fat and build muscle. My short term goal is to look completely smoking hot in a bikini when my husband and I go on a trip to Jamaica for our 5 year wedding anniversary in September…
  • That looks great! I hope I can find the time to try this recipe this weekend. Thanks for sharing!