parkerpowerlift Member


  • I also just posted. First time trying one of these challenges.
  • Hello, First-timer doing one of these challenges on MFP. parkerpowerlift Sunday 240.4
  • This was amazing to read!!! I love it! I'm here and also queer. A lot of your story mirrored mine, especially in the relationship department. I'm so proud of you for the progress you made!
  • Height 5' 7 SW: 250 11/8: 247.6 11/15: 244.6 11/22: 242 CW: 240.4 11/30: (will have to weigh-in tomorrow) GW: 185 Nov Goal: Get under 240.0 lbs; log for 30 consecutive days on MFP. Make healthier choices if eating out over lunch breaks. Cook at least 6 out of 7 weekly dinners this month. I normally hover around 247 to 250…
  • This is my first month consistently tracking in the longest, maybe the longest I've consistently tracked all year. So I forced myself to log my foods yesterday. It wasn't with precision accuracy, but more of a guestimate on foods. Honestly, I've had quite a bit of GI and stress issues that has caused some…
  • Super guilty of over-indulging! However, I'm trying to not punish myself for it. I also went to lift for the first time in a month because I've been fighting bronchitis and some major GI issues. Between the bloat of eating yesterday and water retention from the gym, my weigh-in this morning frightened me. However, I know…
  • Well shoot. I'm only 26, but I definitely have ballooned up in the last two years! I used to be between 60-70 lbs lighter than I am right now. I am a brand-new foster momma to a toddler and I struggle with emotional eating. I used to be a distance runner and now I can barely handle going up the stairs. I've been struggling…
  • I once lost 50 pounds in 2015 and slowly regained all of it back. It was between eating like an @$$hole and powerlifting, plus being derailed from a fractured foot. I used to be a distance runner/OCR competitor as well as a novice powerlifter, sitting nicely around 175. Since I get phantom pains in my foot whenever I…
  • Even if you feel that this is "only 10 lbs", this is incredible progress! The reduction in your tummy is a huge NSV! The fat loss means more than the drop on the scale. I am slowly getting back into daily tracking and weekly weigh-ins. I once lost 50 lbs, and regained all of it back. So I'm trying to see the beauty in…
  • Lmfao, I just read the first page, then skipped to the end. Brother, I know. I was equally baffled...
  • I had initially lost 50 pounds from 2014 to 2015. I let myself go and I gained most of it back from 2016 to 2017. I'm slowly trying to re-lose that weight again! From my highest recorded weight, I am officially down 10 pounds with 40 more to lose. From April 16, 2017 until today, I have lost 7.2 lbs using Renaissance…
  • I'm confused as to why your trainer would suggest this movement to you without an offer to teach you said movement...if she isn't qualified to coach in the Olympic lifts, whether from USAWL or as a Crossfit coach, or an Oly lifter herself, then it shouldn't have been suggested. I attempted to join Crossfit last summer. The…
  • Meee!!! Hahaha, if I can get the time off work, I am planning on doing the Spartan Super in Chicago next month! :)
  • Soon to be 24. I've been powerlifting for 2 years now. My current numbers are: 265/130/265 (squat/bench/deadlift). Could be farther ahead with my lifts. I've had to rebuild my squat at least twice, due to working on form or due to injuries.
  • I almost feel like our fitness journeys mirror each other! Former cardio bunny, current powerlifter! I started C25K during June of 2014. Completed it by August 2014, then did C210K from August 2014 to January 2015. Lost 40 lbs from running. I started Stronglifts 5x5 during March of 2015 and THAT was the catalyst for…
  • Squat twins! I just tested my 1RM on Sunday. :smile:
  • Hello! If you are struggling with the 2.5 KG fractionals, then I would still stick with the empty bar for a while. What might help is trying to fit in some accessory work for your arms/shoulders/lats/general upper body. Maybe doing some bicep curls, overhead tricep extension, lat pull down machine or some other weight…
  • This above! Thank you! As a newer powerlifter (on my 2nd year of recreational lifting), I can also attest to this. Pain doesn't equal gains. Eventually, your body shouldn't suffer though DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) nearly as badly as you go on. OP, keep up the work!
  • I got out of a very toxic, five year relationship over the holidays. I have moved twice, changed jobs, started up school and later dropped, had a few hook ups and got out of a very short rebound relationship all in the past five months. I do not handle change well and I have terrible coping mechanisms. As you can see…
  • 1.) Okay, so my lowest recorded weight in July had been 163. My weight spiked up to around 170-175 August into September, but I think that was water weight and stress induced. My weight has now been hanging out around 168-170 all month. I've been still eating at maintenance mostly and primarily lifting. 2.) Still working…
  • 1.) Survive the Missouri Tough Mudder on October 11! TM is this next Sunday and it's my first one! 2.) Get out and do more cardio this month! I know that is vague, but I only ran a few times this past month and focused on lifting...I'm sure this will reflect on how I do on the 11th, ugh. 3.) 200 lb deadlift. My past few…
  • 1x5x45 front squat 1x5x95 front squat 1x3x140 front squat 1x2x140 back squat 4x5x140 back squat 5x5x95 bench 5x5x95 row 1x5x190 deads 18x5xBW burpees, all spread out in between sets of 5x5. To simplify things, I did 90 or 91 total burpees. I am a part of an OCR page that started up a 100-Day Burpee challenge on the 11th. I…
  • I have never officially had my BF % tested before, but I just looked at my data from 1/15/2015. I'm 5'7. Start weight in May of 2014 was 213. On January 1st, 2015, I was 178 lbs. My lowest recorded weight for 2015 is 163 lbs. Lately, I've been closer to 170 now since July, grrr. I have been eating at maintenance and…
  • Goals: 1.) Get rid of the extra pounds of water weight or whatever the hell slabbed itself upon my body during the past several weeks, grrr. Life can bug off! 2.) Continue to work on, fix and completely improve form on all lifts. 3.) Up the cardio---I've got Mudder aspirations next month! Didn't do much cardio to prep for…
  • It was a ton of fun! Hmm...I'd have to look into that. Any excuse to get back in the mud sounds like a good time to me! Hahaha.
  • Thank you! I am mostly recovered now from the race! Gonna do my first post-race workout tomorrow!
  • Yes and no, OP. My boyfriend and I have been together for almost five years. In the duration of our relationship, he has gained 30-40 pounds, while I gained about the same. I started losing weight last year, and I am now down 50 pounds. I had been doing the fitness thing mostly on my own over the past 14 months. Back in…
  • I lost 40 pounds from May 2014 to January 2015, from primarily running. Then, from the end of February to now, I started incorporating weight training and less cardio. It has taken me about six months to lose my last 10 pounds. I now am very, very new to progressive, heavy lifting and am learning so much from…
  • What a blessing! Good for you, sir! I am thankful that you were given another chance, after being in that emergency room! Super scary, but you used what could be deemed a negative and used it to catapult you into becoming the best version of you! We don't know you, but we all are proud of you!
  • Front Squats: 5x5x125 Push Press: 5x5x75 Deadlift: 1x5x145 Lat Pulldowns: 5x5x100 I'm doing some small variations to my Strong Lifts 5x5 workouts lately to switch things up!