

  • In highschool I made money doing freelance art commissions. My first real job was a picker/packer for a mailorder warehouse a few months after I graduated HS. I worked there for 5.5 years, became the shipper/receiver operations supervisor and would still be there if the company hadn't been sold. Not very aspiring, I know…
  • I only started getting my groove on in mid 2010. I was 23 and finally gave in and started dating my first boyfriend. I've always had self esteem issues and he made me feel gorgeous and desirable. Then in September of that year he passed away and I haven't been with anyone since. Sooo going on almost 18 months and counting.…
  • Completely guilty of trying to make my binge order look like it was for more than one person. My latest and worst binges have taken place in the last few months. Same order every time. I go to Wendy's, order a large #1 (I forget if it's a 1/4 or a 1/2 lb burger, I think 1/4), with the huge mocha iced coffee. Then I get a…
  • How on earth does a rubberband make it in to someones food like that... What, were they preparing meals with their eyes closed?? And hairy bacon... Pass!!
  • I agree, even going as far as to create a nice little book with either illustrations or pictures of recreated scenarios would do a world of good for suppressing one's appetite for fast food! And the mouse thing.. Just gave me flashbacks to Beavis and Butthead and the many o' fried rats among other things that would…
  • I am what my father calls a "milk fish" at times and chocolate milk used to be one of my favorite things to drink no matter WHAT I was eating.. Even pasta! Until about 30 seconds ago hahaha.. Gag me! Blargh!
  • Hahaha, I do indeed reside in central NJ! Thankfully that chinese place closed years ago. I refused to eat anything from there ever again any way. I'm sure this wasn't their only offense!! And get the heck out of here!! I've been there like twice, the honey bbq chicken is the bomb diggity and back in Sept I was frequenting…
  • And I bet they never even came across it. Probably drank it and threw it out without ever looking in the cup! Might be something to consider doing... Taking the lid off and poking around in there BEFORE drinking lol.
  • ^^^ THIS just cured my occasional Reese's binge!! I nearly polished off a whole bag of minis last week. Still have about a dozen left... Guess where they're going when I get home! Haha. Thank you!
  • Wow, out of 7 posts 3 of those happen to mention Dominos... That certainly says something! And I never even THOUGHT about servers in tank tops and bare armpits before but you can guarantee I'm going to notice that from now on! And blargh, orange hair?! Never seen a roll of hamburger before... I was a vegetarian for…
  • Duplicate* Sorry!
  • Hello! I too noticed at first that my calories burned were very minimal until I discovered I hadn't put my weight and height under my profile. Once I did that my calories burned shot right up to something that makes more sense. That being said, I don't have a hrm to give a fair comparison to how accurate the game may be…