ErMHa Member


  • I do this, too, periodically. It feels good to know that you -can-. In terms of a process, I took a [nutrition] class earlier this year and one of the things they stressed was drinking enough water. I had never done this. Maybe you are already drinking enough water, but doing so has helped me to understand when I'm…
  • Agree with missydawn1973. I joined small group training at my gym in January and the accountability keeps me going back very consistently. The people are really nice and it's actually a pleasure to see them. I got married within the last few weeks and am hoping to settle right back into my routine (can -always- see/imagine…
  • I'm 5'2" and am 41 years old. I don't know what a good weight for me would be. Last year, at 139 lbs, my Dr. said I was fine, when I asked her. I'd like to stay below 140. I have been up to 147 this year due to reduced exercise. In my 20s I was as low as 114 but I wasn't taking good care of myself; I'm not aspiring to be…