

  • First off I'd like to say yay about there being a furry group here! Second, hi Baral! We've met a few times at either Oklacon or Wild Nights XP Anyways...hi everyone! My name is Sheba and I am a black wolf with a stubby tail. My goal is to lose 110lbs in order to be the target weight my doctors have set for me. Hopefully…
  • Thank you! :)
  • Thanks! I can always use support :) Thank you so much for the encouraging words! I can tell I'll love this community already!
  • Depression and anxiety are horrible. I would never wish them on my worst enemy. I am happy to have found this place though. I hope that everyone here can help keep me on track. I have a horrible problem with motivation lol! Once it gets warmer I'll start swimming again. I can't afford to go to the gym so I go to the lake…
  • Thanks for the tip :) those might be a bit difficult for me unfortunately due to my bad knee (forgot to mention that, oopsie!)