

  • :( I hope you get to feeling better! Mental Illness is a horrible thing to live with, especially if you need medication and cannot get it. You look like you've had amazing progress!!! I'm so proud of you! Like you said, another job will come, that apparently wasn't the right one for you :) You can do this!!
  • Thank you very much for your reply. I also was diagnosed bi-polar in my early 20's. It is usually well managed unless my anxiety gets really bad then it triggers some mild mania. I will definately try what you suggested. Its so hard being at war with your mind and body all the time. Its good to know that Im not alone.
  • Hi Im new (again) and want to lose about 116ish. My goal weight for now is 175 and im currently at 288. Im newly motivated because my husband and I decided to have a third baby after I lose 100 pounds (the weight loss was totally my idea please dont think that was something he came up with) Its just really stinkin hard to…