Any of you are welcome to add me as I'm a 5'3-ish gal who has had success on here :) I found a few pounds over the holidays that I'd previously lost so hitting 'reset'. This platform has been helpful; I started at 184 in Jan of 2014 and by about June I was down around 163 so it's certainly possible. Take care!!
Fellow Canuck on the Atlantic; feel free to add me. Cheers!
If you buy berries for consumption daily, you will find them most flavourful when you wash and remove stems just before you eat them versus mass-washing for longer term storage & consumption. Also if can eat them at room temperature versus cold, they're even tastier :)
I'm down 14 and need a boost for phase II. Add me too plz :happy:
Thanks all; I appreciate your feedback :)
If you have a blip, don't wait 'til Monday to start over; start at the next meal!:drinker: