

  • Week 5 - Day 4 - Recovery Week. I extended my Phase 1 workouts by one week to get more weight loss and it seemed to have worked better than I expected. Starting Weight: 230 lbs (or more...I measured on day 3 after starting) Current Weight: 220.6 lbs Starting BF: 27.1% Current BF: 24.3% Long way to go and can't wait for…
  • Try looking any Indian recipe. Since most Indians are vegetarians, they have some very tasty (and not necessarily spicy) recipes. Chances are you have an Indian grocery store accessible near you if you live close to any large city or even a town. Use google to find it. start with sanjeevkapoor dot com website. The spices…
  • Checkout my blog for updates...also, day 3 of week 3, i weighed in at 223.6, which is a loss of 6.4 lbs since the start of the program. psyched
  • also, i dropped 3.6 lbs in 8 days of workout. reduced 1.5% of body fat already. I know it's early, but trying to keep myself encouraged and pumped up about this.
  • Hi All - I started P90X on November 12. I am on day 2 of week 2. This week there is noticeable increase in stamina and ability to do more reps. Did plyometrics this morning and felt great! looking forward. Keep pushing play! this is an uphill battle with a huge thanksgiving gathering at my place!
  • Started P90X on November 12 so I am on day 2 of week 2...just did plyo today and did much better than week 1. Need to drop 30-40 lbs. First week was hell and couldn't keep up with most workouts (except all upper body workouts).