

  • Hi I was just scrolling through the messages and came upon your amazing great success! WOW good for you and you are gorgeous. I have recently joined now 3weeks in, and discouraged this week. I am down a womping 5 friggin pounds. I am not happy. Have you any words of wisdom... Start wt 226lbs current 221.5 Goal 175lbs Help…
  • I have recently joined 1.5 weeks ago, as you said, the weight goes down and the confidence goes up!! I am really trying hard, I am bigger boned and never been small, however after my three children, I am getting bigger. My metabolism is in the toilet, I see food and I gain weight,. I think I am on the right track now. i…
  • quick question do you have to eat all the calories required???
  • I am a newbie, I am apparently morbidly obese and wish to lose a crap load of weight. I have tried quickie diets and to no avail. I need all the help and support I can get from all you success stories. My sister has challenged me to a 5km in May 2011 in Ottawa, I do not want to let her down.. Please help!!!