

  • Way to go!! That is huge. Wishing you many more moments like these along your journey!
  • Brandilee81's explanation is right on. I eat some. If I have a particularly intense workout, generally my allotted calories just don't cut it for me. But, then some days I don't touch them. It depends. Or, if I have a situation when I know in advance I want to treat myself, I try to bank some exercise calories so I don't…
  • I tried the Dukan Diet for a week. Epic failure. I need some carbs to maintain civil relationships. I lost, but the minute I started eating like a regular person, it came right back.
  • I've read that it is most effective to work out on an empty stomach. But, if that isn't possible then just work out. Working out on a full stomach is better than not working out at all!
  • I go in waves. There are some weeks when I will obsess about it, and others where I'll weigh in once a week and be fine with it. I did as 3babybeans suggested and put the darn thing away. If it takes effort to get it out, I'm less likely to obsess over it. I would say, if you didn't go over 1800 cal any day this weekend,…
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