Another good thing to try that helps hydrate you really good is water with a touch of lemon juice, gives it flavor plus pretty good!!
Good job dear, I am so proud of you. Keep It up I hope to look like that someday. I do have before pictures so when I get to my goal weight ill post after pics =)
I have not eaten anything boxed, rice or pasta in 2 weeks
That seems like A LOT!!! Look on your tortilla bag and it will tell you how many per each then look at your cheese and see how much you used, and add em up!!
That is a really good idea, Yeah I have a whole foods and trader joes by me. I will have to look into that. Thanks
I am totally with you, 2 kids my youngest is 2 and thinks it is time to loose this weight, I have about 35 lbs to loose before I am comfortable with myself, Welcome. Glad to know I am not the only newby ;-)