

  • seriously, stop trying to find the quick fix. There is no magic pill for weight loss. Starving like in your other post doesn't work in the long term either. for real, get some help. you seem to have a horrible relationship with food
  • I personally have been using a lot of coupons for dry or canned goods I have been using lately. For cheap produce I work at my community garden during the growing season so i can have bunches of organic kale and such for next to no money. I always plan out my meals for a week or so and go shopping based off that list, and…
  • Makeup Hula Hoops and other props Allow myself to go to the fabric store and make something awesome for myself. When i reach goal weight i already have a pattern and fabric picked out for a pinup style dress
  • No GMO's for me. First off I have some digestion problems and I find GMO food makes it worse, also I swear a GMO tomato isn't as yummy as one from a garden. Second, I don't like what monsanto stands for, what they do, how they're changed farming or that they feel they have the right to "own" seeds, and prevent small farms…
    in GMOs Comment by ardawen February 2014