

  • Thanks everyone!
  • Yes! Thank you. I was really hoping it would be okay to still go to class. I am in no way in shape. I just got back into swimming and bike around my neighborhood a few times a week. I made it through the cycling class but that was the first super hard workout I have done that lasted more than 15 minutes, in a loooong time.…
  • I have also been skeptical of the amount of calories MFP says I burn with swimming. I never do an entire session of freestyle either and there currently is not an option for freestyle plus the other random strokes I do. I always chose light/moderate effort and don't count for the breaks I take. I like the 75% suggestion…
  • I used ultraswim as a kid and occasionally now but have found that rinsing my hair pre-swim, wearing a swim cap, and rinsing my hair post-swim has kept my hair as healthy as it would be if I did not swim. I definitely think using a swim cap will help a lot.