I hope I don't insult anyone but I call McDonald's "McSlops". I have not eaten there in about 6 years. Maybe twice in about 8 years and both times were for a breakfast biscuit. I'm not a fan of McDonald's or really any fast food. I love the Publix deli, though.
Why would anyone ridicule you or be disgusted by you? We have all been in varying degrees of the exact same thing. I think everyone else covered what i would have said.
Hi dave, add me as a friend. I'm trying to lose a lot more than you. I'm a freaking accountant that sits at a desk all day long and I like to eat at Publix' fried food counter.
Since I started here, I have controlled my compulsive eating. I don't know how I have been able to do it, but I have controlled it. It seems so much easier than when I was contemplating doing it.
Wow, you have done excellently. You are definitely an inspiration.
Hi, I'll add you. I'm sure you'll have plenty of more invites as well.
I think most have had that feeling at some point that "nothing is happening, why?" I think you need to stop being down on yourself. And I also think if you have a bad day, don't get down. Just go right back at it the next day. I'm sure we're all going to say what everyone else has said many times, and you've probably heard…
That's kind of the way I feel. If I feel "full", it's time to stop.
I am not an expert. I'm trying to do 1600 calories per day and I think I'm eating too much, and at the end of the day it says I am eating too little. Congrats on being a dad. I just started. Trying to lose 60. I'm whatcha call "bigboned", so 200 pounds is a really good weight for me.
The only diet I am on is not to eat so much junk food!
Hi! I just started. Add me if you want another friend. My profile picture is my cousin, a friend of ours, the bartender at a bar beach, and I'm on the far right in thinner times. I figure I need to lose 36 pounds to get to that size, but i want to get even more in shape.
I just started so I have no advice other than to not give up!