

  • I have done a sprint tri and you'll find that there are people who train like a maniac and some who don't train at all. I think it all depends on the type of person you are. Personally I trained, because about the only thing I could do well was ride a bike (and not that fast). I prepared for my training by reading books…
  • I haven't hit that wall yet, but I agree we must keep moving forward and focus on what is important, us. I'd also like to add that maybe a change in routine might help a little; try a new form of exercise or find a good trainer. The trainer at our company gym was awesome. I told her before boot camp about the things that…
  • If I could do only one exercise ever, it would be walking. I can walk for miles and miles. I also love to ride my bike, it reminds me of when I was a kid and the freedom a bike provided. Then there is swimming, which has a meditative effect on me. If only I had a pool in my backyard I would swim everyday. The past year…
  • I'm right there with you. I too am a 48 year old female who had been struggling with pre-menopause craziness. I've been 'thinking' about losing weight for some time and during that time it just kept piling on. I would workout only so I can stuff my face. It doesn't help that I am living with a teenager who is physically…
  • In line with the topic, I have never signed up to be part of a running group. I'm rather a lone wolf. I will say that I am glad that I did join a running group, because it really helped to improve my running. In addition, I made a lot of new friends that do a great job in motivating me to keep moving. If you're able to…
  • I too never cared what the number on the scale said before now. Then again I never had high blood pressure before now. My doctor suggested losing 10 lbs and see if it is the weight that is causing the high blood pressure. We shall see...
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