

  • Just Dance 2!!! Its amazing!
    in Wii! Comment by Beautiful4607 March 2011
  • Thank you so much for all your words of wisdom and encouragment! It is helping sooo much, you wouldnt begin to imagine! I am already starting to feel better, and I havent lost much yet! But my biggest problem is being obsessed with the scale. When i get on and see that I havent lost anything, I do get discouraged. But for…
  • Thank you sooo soo much!! I have lost about 15lbs so far, and I feel fabulous!!
  • I wish you the best of luck! I want to be 175 or 180! I dont want to be entirely skinny, I just wanna have nice curves!
  • Yeah, I know. I just need to be patient. I joined the gym because I heard if you excercise, you tighten your skin, not allowing it to get loose. I wanna be thick, Im just tired of being fat!