

  • well, to each their own. i am very against black beans. so it was very hard for me to get the balls to make these. i was quite surprised. maybe because i assumed it was going to be horrid? i do find that they have more of a fudge texture, then a "cakey" texture, but it doesn't bother me too much. the second time i tried…
  • 126 cals 5.3 g fat 18.1 carbs 3.3g protein for about good sized square. they are super yummy, and they deffs are a good way to keep me from cheating. :)
  • Hey, I am doing the P90x workout as well. I'm on week 5/phase 2. i don't use their drinks or bars, but i do follow the diet. So far i haven't lost that much weight. but i have noticed that i've gained a whole lot of muscle and have firmed up a bit. The workouts get alot easier, and you get alot more flexible. however i…