cocooned567 Member


  • This, too! I made a list of everything I was unhappy about, and almost everything was related to weight (directly or indirectly) I know my confidence shouldn't hinge on my weight, but it's a hell of a lot easier to change myself that change" society" in general. ALl the things I could no longer do- rollerblading, skiing,…
  • This! OMG I love your profile pic..
  • I don't agree with the fat bashing, but the recent "fat girl dancing" video with Whitney Thorpe and the explosion of the "No Body Shame Campaign" is absolutely what sprung me into action. I had been ignoring my slowly creeping up weight over the past few years and was slapped in the face a few months ago when I realized I…
  • hahahaha - when I looked at your name I saw Zack BONER, which would totally make the response appropriate!
  • I also need to lose a tremendous amount of weight, and I'd been coasting along-ignoring it, but being so uncomfortable in my own skin. So a few weeks back, a local DJ posted a video of herself "fat girl dancing" which immediately went viral, and has kicked off her"No Body Shame" campaign. At first I was like YEAH! that's…