frizztato Member


  • I'm 28, and need to lose about 40 pounds to get into the "normal" weight range. When I tell friends that I'm trying to lose weight, every single one says, "Oh no you don't!" Yes, yes I do. I'm considered "obese" and I want to get down to a weight where I'm comfortable before we seriously think about starting our family.
  • Yes, I'm so in. SW:(Starting weight) 178 CW:(Current weight) 170 GW:(Goal weight for this month) 165 Weigh in dates: Start of the month(07/01 Friday): 169.6 07/02 Sat: 170.5 07/09 Sat: 07/16 Sat: 07/23 Sat: 07/30 Sat: End of the month(07/31 Sunday): Total weight lost: 5.1 lbs overall
  • Me too, please! I've hit a plateau and need motivation.
  • I have the One and love it. My husband has a Flex, and his only complaint is that if he holds on to anything (like the grocery cart) it won't track his steps. I've noticed that's the same with any wrist tracker. I like my One because I can clip it to my bra and forget about it.