tyunker9703 Member


  • Check on heartratemonitorsusa.com Search for Polar replacement strap and click on the style you have/want. There are several different sizes with the dimensions for each indicated. Not sure what size is included when you buy a HRM, but the replacement straps aren't too expensive if you need a different size.
  • I bought a replacement strap for my Polar a few years back on heartratemonitorsUSA.com. Not familiar with the strap used on the FT4, but they should have what you need.
  • Most of the smart phone apps listed by others will also work as a HRM now with a chest strap. They will also link with MFP, so the data will log automatically. I have not tried any of the apps as a HRM, so maybe check some app reviews to verify they work good. If you don't want to go the smart phone route Polar has several…