kristenpilar646 Member


  • YOU CAN DO IT!!! I think I am just going to weigh in once a week. It is going to be so hard not to get on the scale every morning because it's in the bathroom! AHHH! But I will try!
  • @ Bkrbrandice: I am 190 trying to get down to 150 the beginning of my fall semester. I would be happy if I were 165 by the beginning of the summer. I gained weight so fast after high school because i went from cheering and dancing and being very active to nothing at all and yet still eating the same, probably more and it…
  • Thank you kellygirl5538! You have made tremendous progress! THAT IS AWESOME! I will definately be tracking my food intake daily! How long did it take you to lose that much weight?
  • Thank you Shivaun! Eight pounds in one month is awesome! I am trying to lose about 40 pounds so hopefully I can achieve that goal in a timely manner!
  • Thank you very much! You seem to be doing well! I hope this works for me because I will DEFINATELY be committed no matter what tempts me (i.e. FOOD!....LOL) :bigsmile: