@fishing comment. She was too jealous.
I opened my diary with a key on it. I hope it works like I think. I sent you a message with the key. Thank you!
I'm doing this much cardio because I'm really enjoying moving again. Before I started having kids I was extremely active. But over the last six years my activity level decreased with each child. I am guessing it feels really good to do that much work because it was accustomed to it for 27 years. I'm not ever really sore…
That's supposed to be strong, not string.
I've had three c-sections and want to get healthy before trying for another baby this Summer. I was very fit and string before my first baby (5 years ago) so I know what you're going through!
Trying to get the weight off from my previous pregnancy so that my hubby and I can start trying again at the end of the Summer! I want to be sure to have a healthy, happy pregnancy.
Ketchup on Mac and cheese will definitely keep me from eating it. Better yet, ketchup on anything will keep me from eating it. Hey, maybe that can be my new weight loss trick! Put ketchup on it all and I won't eat it, garaunteed!