captainninjapeters Member


  • Hi guys! This week I lost 4.4 pounds. I REALLY tried to stick to my daily calorie allowance and hopefully I can keep it up. My dream is to lose 20 pounds by July but I know that isn't super realistic. So maybe just 10 :wink: As far as fitness goes, I need to amp it up. I'm studying for my boards in 2 weeks and feel like I…
  • Sounds great! I can make most Saturdays but will miss this week so this works perfectly!
  • Hello! I thought this group could use a third Sarah :wink: I am a 32-year old, recently married, PharmD and am getting ready to start my first year of residency at the end of June. As an adult, my weight has fluctuated from 120lb, to 240, then back down to 150 before starting pharmacy school. I'm back up to 190 (AHHHH!)…