

  • You need to be drinking about a gallon of water a day. If you are weight training you definitely need to be drinking water to help recover your muscles. Water with dieting helps you feel fuller in between meals. Salt is a horrible thing to be eating while you are dieting. If you need to have some kind of salt, use Ms.…
  • The only thing I can really stress is stop dieting. Make it a life change. Slim fast, etc, isn't going to work in the long term. I've done it all as well. This is how I handle most of my days and some days I find it a bear to eat so many times.. 8:00am - Protein shake / 3 Eggs w/ veggies & 2 slices of bacon 10:00am -…
  • Being a big guy, I get shin splints when I run. To remedy this I went and got a new pair of shoes that were for my gait (the way I walk and run) and then got some shin/calf supports. http://www.triathletesports.com/Zoot-Unisex-CompressRx-Calf-Sleeve-p/f9ucc01.htm Those are what I use.
  • You have to realize, your body before was having way too much fiber and far too much waste being produced. Now you eat things that are mostly digested so you won't have 2-3 bm's per day. Keep taking that fiber and keep drinking lots of water. Try not to go overboard with the benefiber though, it can have reverse effects.…