Always up to motivate exercise and interact B)
I'm 99 been on MFP for awhile and active B) B)
Bacon For President....I mean...looking for new friends
Bacon Lovers Unite B)
Feel free to add B)
Up for interactive friends B) B) B)
Here daily and interact feel free to add B)
Feel free to add B)
Friends who interact and not just press the like button. .feel free to add B)
Looking for motivated friends who interact and exercise.
Feel free to add looking for motivated friends who interact and exercise in 2016
Hi 51 here looking for motivated friends for 2016
Sure up for new friends B)
If you can INTRODUCE yourself, want a good friend and a bacon lover feel free to add B)
If you can INTRODUCE yourself, want a good friend and a bacon lover feel free to add B)
Commenting here...feel free to add!
Drop a note n add B)
Bacon Lovers Unite B)
New Friends Welcome B)
Posting...always looking for motivated bacon worshipers. .
Fun B)
Add..Bacon Worshiper B)
Sure always up for motivated peeps B)
Up for motivated friends who exercise and interact B)
Feel free to add :)
Howdy B)
Up for some motivated active for support. .I exercise motivate and like bacon B)