

  • Sometimes it takes time to get use too...the first time I could only do 5 mins...and felt like I was walking on a out of control boat when I got I did 25 mins and didn't stumble at all when I got done. Is it pain or just ackwardness? If just ackward maybe keep trying adding a little more time each day?
  • Thank you! I found this very informative with some good tips in it. I just started so it was perfect timing for me :)
  • I'm with you on the soda thing. Today was my first full day with this program and it was sooooo hard to not run to the soda machine at work. I always thought I wasn't a soda person because I didn't keep it in the house, but today I realized I get it everyday at work and everytime I eat out, or go to my parents. Sneaky…
  • Me too! Just signed up 15 mins ago. And wow after I tracked what I ate today that was eye opening. I've gained 30 lbs since last April...some of which was due to quitting smoking and some to bad habits. Not looking to lose it all, but would like to lose at least 15 of it.
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