Mitsuo8 Member


  • When I stepped on the scale and it told me I was 200 pounds :( That is a lot of weight on someone who is only 5"1!
  • I feel like I am the only person in the world who HATES the minions from Despicable Me. They are not cute or funny, just very ANNOYING.
  • A ripe ataulfo mango is amazing, super sweet and good for you!
  • Being in a relationship. We have both gained about 60lbs together in 7 years. When we met he was underweight and I was only around 10 lbs over weight.... :cry: Now he is overweight and I am considered obese :sad:
  • I have been counting calories for 25 days now (according to MFP). Before this I ate out almost everyday. Now I eat out like 3-4 times a week. The thing is instead of getting the Large fry, Large coke, and 1-2 Mcdoubles at Mcdonalds....I am eating 1 mchicken (no mayo) and a medium coke zero. Yesterday I had a taco supreme…
  • Just something us women have to deal with. My only suggestion is to resist the urge to weigh yourself when you do have your period, since it is discouraging to you.
  • Isin't that the faster it comes off the more likely you will have loose skin? Due to the skins elasticity, not having the proper amount of time to "bounce back"? I think the slower it comes off the more likely their is going to be less loose skin.
  • My and my boyfriend have been together 7 years, and both put on around 70 lbs. If neither of us had decided to lose weight I still would have stayed. Think it depends on how much you love the person and the situation.
  • I would say the strangest would be Takoyaki."Takoyaki is a ball-shaped Japanese snack made of a wheat flour-based batter and cooked in a special takoyaki pan. It is typically filled with minced or diced octopus, tempura scraps, pickled ginger, and green onion" The nastiest thing I have ate were olives :S lol I am not that…
  • Usually 3-4 pounds.
  • My why: Not only does diabetes run in my family, but I am 23 years old. I have my whole life ahead of me, and I can't waste it away being in bad shape. I am not just over weight, but obese. I want to look amazing on my wedding day, I want to have children and have a healthy pregnancy, and be around a long time for them. I…
  • Is it even possible to feel stuffed for a couple days, after over eating for one day? On day's where I have eaten a particularly large meal ( like going to a buffet) I may feel stuffed until the following day, at the longest.
  • Eating one brownie did not make you want to lose weight in the first place, and it will not ruin your success. Have your dinner and your wine and if you still feel like it have the brownie. One little treat is not going to make or break you.
  • I recently bought a juicer/blender and have a fruit/vegetable smoothie every morning. For example Kale, apple, banana, one I might make to start the morning off. They are really healthy and give you an energy boost. Also surprisingly they are filling! I am usually not hungry until lunch after I have one.
    in Breakfast!! Comment by Mitsuo8 July 2014
  • I am sure their are, it is a gym. Personally I had a bad experience with the staff and company in general and will not be getting another membership.
  • handful of raw almonds or string cheese stick. Both are quick and satisfying :)
  • They will fade, might take a couple years (if they are fresh) but they will. I never used coco butter, but that might speed up the process.
  • Mushrooms! Though I am slowly trying to get used to them... So far their is only one type I have tried that I am OK with. Am not sure what they were called but I had them in a bowl of ramen.
  • Give yourself more calories to eat, if you are left hungry that is just motivation to binge.
  • It was alright for a kids movie, just alright. You are not alone though, my boyfriend did not like it because it really is, a movie for little girls lol.
  • I am 5"1 as well, and 23 years old. Right now I am 195 and my goal is to be 130. I remember when I was 135 and I felt great, but of course being a teenager at the time I thought I was fat. If only I knew then what I know now! As for foods I have cut most of the carbs out of my diet. For snacks I like eating low calorie…
  • I can understand totally where you are coming from. When I was in high school I got negative attention from older men, that I hated! No 15/16 year old girl wants to be hit on by someone who looks as old as their Father or Grandfather! Once I put on 60+ pounds that attention stopped. I want to be healthier for my future (…
  • Chicago, Illinois
  • I feel like only eating 1200 calories is going to set you up for failure. You should start at a more reasonable calorie count for your height/weight. If you starve yourself you are more likely to give up, like I have in the past. My plan is to lose 1 1/2 pounds per week. I am at 1240 calories right now and I am 5"1 and 195…
  • Why not hire a sitter to watch the baby 3X a week for a few hours, while your wife uses that time to clean? If she is using that as an excuse as to why she can't clean. I used to sit for a women that had worked from home, and I would watch her 4 month old for about 4-5 hours on Friday's so she could get the majority of the…