

  • That makes sense, although the main reason I don't do it in the morning is because my husband is asleep at that point (or just waking up) and my blender is incredibly loud. Also because I only wake up about 10 minutes before I leave the house, but I"m going to say it's the husband thing. I've actually been doing this for 2…
  • Totally! I saw a few people on the board of saying this week will be a bad week. It doesn't have to be! I know I'm going out to a restaurant Wednesday and I'll have a glass of wine or two, but that just means I'll do a better job for lunch Wednesday and Thursday. One bad meal does not a bad week make.
  • Definitely do! I also keep all of my recipes in Evernote in a very easy-to-share format, so let me know if you're ever looking for anything. I didn't know how to cook tempeh, tofu, or vegetables for that matter 4 years ago, so it's been a learning curve. It worked out well though, because I hate cooking meat anyway :-)
  • I typically eat a packet of oatmeal and then a piece of fruit a couple hours later (banana or apple). However, next week I'm going to start making a green smoothie the night before and stashing it in the fridge. I'm terrible at waking up in the morning, so I need something I can make at work or grab and go. Anyone have…