Egilley Member


  • I'm in the same boat. I have a 1200 calorie budget and can't go any lower. I eat my exercise calories which brings me up to about 1700 calories, and that is enough food for me. I eat tons of fruits and veggies and I exercise very regularly. I really want to lose only about 4 more pounds. But it's not coming off anymore. I…
  • It takes a lot of courage to share your situation with everyone, especially at the risk of being denigrated for using the phentermine. I know how you feel as far as wanting to get that weight off quickly. I am so discourage that I still have 44 pounds to go. It seems like I wlill never get to where I want to be. But you…
  • Good luck on your journey. MFP has been really helpful for me so far, but I had only been using the calorie and exercise diaries. I just recently started getting involved in the message boards and blogs, and I find that conversing with others in the same boat is sooooo helpful.
  • Poised, shapely, and dignified !
  • He is going to be worth all of the hard work. I am certain. Someday, when your son is graduating from high school, you will certainly look back and thank yourself over and over again that you made this decision to get healthy for him. Someday, when you're holding your grandchild in your arms, you will be so grateful that…
  • Welcome! I have been using MFP for a few months and have lost weight, but the key is consistency. Sometimes I fall off the wagon. Best of luck to you! I htink you'll like it.
    in Brand New Comment by Egilley August 2011
  • I am having the same issue with potassium. I can only eat so many bananas! I wonder if anyone out there has figured this out. I would love to know. Welcome!